Lighting the path forward

Shifa Noor

Shifa Noor

Meet Shifa Noor, a brave little girl who is fighting for her life against eye cancer. At only 2.5 years old, Shifa has already undergone 13 free chemotherapy sessions. She comes from Karak, a city in Pakistan where poverty is rampant, and medical care is hard to come by.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, Shifa has been able to receive life-saving treatment at no cost to her family. Tomorrow, Shifa will receive her final chemotherapy treatment. And with your continued support, she has a bright future ahead of her.

Every child deserves a fighting chance, regardless of their circumstances. Donate to Al-Shifa Foundation of North America (AFNA), and help us provide free treatment to underprivileged children like Shifa.

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Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

[AFNA supports the projects of Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital and sponsors free treatment of the underprivileged at their hospital.]

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